Studio Policies


Students should arrive at lessons on time, and ready to begin. It is very important for the student to be ready to listen and play their best. Parents should be in attendance at lessons to observe the behavior of the student as well as observe the lesson itself so they can help the student in their practice during the rest of the week. 


The role of parents in music education is vital. For the first several years of instruction, parents must be involved in practice with the student every day. For this reason, parents should observe weekly lessons with the teacher. Parents should be in regular communication with the teacher, discussing any questions and concerns at the beginning of the lesson each week. 


"Practice only on the days you eat!" -Shinichi Suzuki

Practice should happen no less than FIVE days per week, and practice sessions should be long enough to cover all the material covered in lesson. Practice sessions should be guided by parents, so the student makes the most of their practice time. As students grow, parents can take a more distant role, observing practice a few times per week, rather than every day. The following is a list of minimum practice times required for each age group:

5-7 years: 15-20 minutes 

7-11 years: 30 minutes

12-14 years: 45 minutes

15 years and older: 45mon-1 hour +

Practice! Practice! Practice! The only way to learn a skill is to actually put the time into it: consistent, dedicated time.

Missed Lessons

Lessons will be made up only if the student is ill and cannot attend lesson, or if the lesson is cancelled by the teacher. Lessons will not be made up for any other reason.